
My unofficial thoughts on various matters


This page is my little scratchpad that I use to put down my thoughts on matters. I may opt to put anything I want to on this page. Generally, I’ll put items on here that I feel strongly about, or that I see lots of questions regarding it in the community. Remember, even if I get elected to the board in the future, these are my personal thoughts and not HOA official notes.

Speeding on Castlegate and Simonton (Speed bumps? Changing speed limits?)

Q: What can be done to prevent people from going 50mph+ on Simonton Blvd and Castlegate Blvd, especially near the school? Why don’t we add speed bumps? What about lower the speed limit to 25mph?

A: I’ve heard that when people have contacted the county about it in the past, the county has generally done nothing about it. That information isn’t meant to discourage but let you know a little history about the issue. I’ve found that speed bumps are normally a pretty polarized option, where many people really want them and many people really don’t want them. As such, if the county did decide to put in some speed bumps near the school, I expect there to be a lot of people trying to immediately get them removed.

I generally would prefer to not put in speed bumps or lower the speed limit, but I absolutely don’t want people going 50mph+ past the school, especially while it is in session. My ideal solution to fix speeding by the school would be to look at other traffic shaping measures that can slow down the serial speeders without causing major pain points for the rest of the users of the road.

Communication With the Board

Q: How can I get in contact with the board?

A: I don’t know about other members of the board, but I see the board as being a critical resource for homeowners. Please feel free to contact me. My contact info is in this website’s menu from the top left.

An HOA Board Member academy series has suggested that most successful associations have a way to get in contact with the board. You can see that segment here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SUc8zL67sA&t=3070s

I’m be in favor of our board making it possible to reach out to them via text, email, and phone.

Rules and Requirements of Homeowners

Q: How do I know what rules apply to me as a homeowner?

A: Our CC&Rs are from ~2003 and have never been amended. There are things in them that are now illegal to enforce and can be safely ignored. I aim to make it available for you, as a homeowner, to EASILY be able to understand what isn’t enforced and what is. An example: Proxy voting is now illegal in AZ HOA’s. Do you know where it talks about proxy voting in the CC&Rs? Probably not and you can’t just do a text search either. The CC&Rs should be digitized to give you more convenience.

Similar for the bylaws, but they have been amended over the years minimally. The copy on the website is not up to date with the actual, current bylaws though. I would like to see the bylaws made more accessible for homeowners.

Wrapping Up

That’s it for now. Please feel free to contact me if you want to talk about further things.